No, all you need is an email address. We recommend that you register for an account to start adding pieces to your Wishlist, but you can also place and track orders as a guest and sign up at a time that suits you.
It's easy! Here's how:
No, all you need is an email address. We recommend that you register for an account to start adding pieces to your Wishlist, but you can also place and track orders as a guest and sign up at a time that suits you.
Currently, you can pay with any VISA or MasterCard. We are working on adding more payment options as we go.
Prices and promotions online are based on prices and promotions available in-store. There can be additional limited time offers online and offline, you have to stay connected and you can sign-up to the newsletter by entering your email address at the bottom of our homepage.
Currently, not all products available in Steen & Strøm are available online. Our team are working tirelessly to bring you all the products and there are often product drops. Sign up to our newsletter here and stay posted.
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